In partnership with St John’s Well Child and Family Center, BAI is offering the Check Up! Program to explore the role that social networks may play in the diffusion of HIV and HIV education throughout our community.
Check Up! is a Social Network Strategy HIV testing project. For this project, BAI is recruiting Champions, some of whom test for HIV, and then receive training on how to share messages and recruit from their own social and sexual networks, people who are interested in receiving an HIV test. Some of those who receive an HIV test will then also be invited to become Champions themselves, and in that way, information about HIV testing will be shared organically with the community.
Those who are recruiting and receiving an HIV test are incentivized. We also have the obligation to ensure that people living with HIV are linked with or navigated to HIV medical care, while those with a non-reactive HIV test are linked with or navigated to biomedical prevention (PrEP).
Download the Check Up brochure in English
Download the Check Up brochure in Spanish
For more information please contact Porchia Dees at (213) 226-7488, Ext 1906 or PorchiaD@BlackAIDS.org