Cut The Stigma is a joint public education campaign created by Lambda Legal and BAI. It is focused on dispelling misconceptions surrounding HIV transmission and reducing HIV stigma and its resulting discrimination within the Black community.
Cut the Stigma was the result of a 2017 incident. Nikko Briteramos was refused service at an LA barbershop based on his HIV status. “Black people living with HIV are often confronted with discrimination connected to stigma and misinformation in public places of importance within our community. The barbershop is a sacred social space, where Black Americans debate social, cultural, and political ideas. HIV discrimination destroys those safe spaces” said Stefan Johnson, Lambda Legal’s legal help desk director and member of the legal team representing Mr. Briteramos.

Cut the Stigma seeks to have these conversations with college-aged students at the nation’s historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). To ensure events tailored to each location, Cut the Stigma partners with on-campus organizations and societies to reach and recruit the student body.
For more information please contact: David Wyley Long at DavidL@BlackAIDS.org