Cozy Cinema: Virtual Film Screening

BAI's Revolution In Color team kicks off its first virtual movie viewing experience! Cozy Cinema will be a socially distant movie experience that encourages education and community. Our first viewing of 2021 is 5B - the documentary that pays homage to First Responders of another viral pandemic that we all know too well. About the […]

BTAN: Real Talk About Heterosexual Males Within The HIV Epidemic

Details: Join the BTAN Charlotte/North Carolina chapter as we discuss a population often left out of the HIV epidemic - heterosexual men. This spirited conversation centered around HIV-positive & heterosexual men will discuss how we can be more inclusive and supportive of straight men. Date/Time: Saturday, February 27, 2021 from 1pm-3pm EST Panel Moderators: Alicia […]

GirlStrong: Leading the Fight Against HIV and COVID-19

Details In honor of Women’s History Month, BAI’s March Brown Bag Lunch webinar is “GirlStrong: Leading the Fight Against HIV and COVID-19.” Join Myriam Johnstone, BAI’s Biomedical Research Program Manager, as she breaks down findings from women scientists at this year’s Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). Learn and ask questions about moving through […]

Howard University – CASCADE’s 3rd annual “As Queer As It Is Black” Conference

DETAILS This conference will serve to educate and mobilize faculty, staff, students, and community members towards intersectional LGBTQ+ change, covering topics such as political rebirth, the importance of language, and surviving Covid-19 while being Black & Queer. Howard University (HU) is a leader among HBCUs in its inclusivity towards LGBTQ+ students. To maintain this role, […]

Expanding Our Legacy: Engaging Black HIV Advocates In Clinical Research

DETAILS Are you attending the virtual Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit? Join our session "Expanding Our Legacy: Engaging Black HIV Advocates In Clinical Research" to hear emerging Black public health leaders from Black AIDS Institute, HIV Vaccine Trials Network, Treatment Action Group, and Let's Kick Ass. DATE AND TIME March 30, 4.00 PM ET REGISTRATION This […]

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