We The People

A Black Strategy To End HIV HIV is a disease that affects the most marginalized: Black and brown people, LGBTQ people, people living in poverty, people who don’t have housing, people experiencing substance addiction, and so many others who aren’t able to thrive simply because of who they are, who…

The State of Healthcare Access in Black America

The State of Healthcare Access in Black America initiative is a partnership between amfAR, AIDS United, George Washington University’s Milken Institute of Public Health, Harvard University’s Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation, the National Health Law Program, The Centeron Budget and Policy Priorities, National Black Justice Coalition and Georgetown…

What’s PrEP Got To Do With It?

Welcome to the 2016 State of AIDS in Black America report. Beginning in 2000, the Black AIDS Institute has publishedseventeen reports on the state of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Black communities. Over the years we have focused on Black youth, Black women, Black gay and bisexual men and other men…

Light at the End of the Tunnel: Ending AIDS in Black America

Introduction A five-year action strategy to defeat AIDS in Black America Welcome to Light at the End of the Tunnel, the 10th report on the State of AIDS In Black America. This is the Black AIDS Institute’s 19th report looking at the many challenges and opportunities confronting the Black response…

Exit Strategy: Ending the AIDS Epidemic in Black America

Introduction A New Chapter in AIDS. Will It Be the Final Chapter? The Future Is in Our Hands Welcome to Exit Strategy: Ending the AIDS Epidemic in Black America, the Black AIDS Institute’s eighth annual State of AIDS in Black America report. It’s hard to believe that I have been…

30 Years Is Enuf!

The History of the AIDS Epidemic in Black America. Marking the 30th year of the epidemic brings to the surface so many powerful and conflicting emotions for me personally that I find it difficult to make sense of them all. I’m acutely aware of how lucky I am and how…

Deciding Moment: The State of AIDS in Black America 2011

Every day, in ways both large and small, each of us has deciding moments. Moments when we decide to do good, bad or nothing. Today we are at a collective deciding moment. When it comes to HIV/AIDS, there is no difference between doing bad and doing nothing. Edmund Burke said,…
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